Let’s be honest: knowing the ins and outs of the Bioheat® fuel industry is not exactly top of mind for most homeowners who use the energy source. During harsh New York winters, the important things are that the fuel is accessible and that your heat works! But with so many energy options now available, what’s keeping Bioheat® fuel users so loyal to the fuel?
We checked in with homeowners throughout the state to find out what they really think about fuel prices, the value of full service, alternative energy options, and more.
If you believe the safety of your family should never be a compromise for saving a couple of bucks, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, 90% of New York homeowners surveyed in a recent focus group said they would be comfortable paying up to $.40 more per gallon for the value of emergency service and other conveniences offered by full-service heating companies.
Scheduling a tune-up and safety inspection just once a year, especially after a winter like this one, can make all the difference for your heating equipment. While survey participants overwhelmingly agreed that safety is the top reason to make room in your schedule for this service between heating seasons, equipment longevity, reliability, and efficiency are also among top benefits you’ll experience with consistent annual maintenance.
If you see the word “biofuel” and assume it’s an energy source that’s better for the environment, you’re absolutely right—and you’re in good company, as 63% of New York residents surveyed considered the term “biofuel” to be positive without even knowing any details about the fuel itself.
Bioheat® is a blend of ultra-low sulfur fuels and renewable resources, such as soy, canola, and other vegetable oils. And with New York’s commitment to drastically slashing the sulfur content of heating fuels, there’s a whole new (much higher) standard when it comes to fuel!
Interested in learning more about Bioheat® Fuel? Contact your local energy provider, discover further information throughout our website, or check out these helpful industry resources.
All statistics noted in this article reflect the findings of a recent focus group conducted by the Empire State Energy Association.