The Tall Tales of Bioheat Fuel®

As a New York resident, you have most likely heard about Bioheat® fuel and how more and more fuel companies are offering it as an alternative fuel source. Despite the state-wide increase in Bioheat® fuel’s popularity over the past twenty years, misconceptions about the product have also grown. That is why we are going to debunk the tall tales of Bioheat® fuel and discuss how it works.

How It Works

Mostly created by American biodiesel producers, Bioheat® fuel is made by blending biodiesel and heating oil. The blend is made from ultra-low sulfur fuels and renewable biodiesel produced domestically from agricultural by-products, such as soybean oil. However, soybeans are just one of the agricultural by-products used to make biodiesel! Other sources include used cooking oil, inedible corn oil, fats, and tallows. Since Bioheat® fuel is made from recycled resources, it is also considered a renewable heating fuel.

Tale #1

You need a new heating system to use Bioheat® fuel in your home.

FACT: If you already have a liquid fuel boiler or furnace, your system is ready to use Bioheat® fuel. It requires no modification to be used in liquid fuel heating systems, so if you don’t already order Bioheat® fuel for your home, you can do so whenever it is convenient for you and your family.

Tale #2

Bioheat® fuel is expensive.

FACT: Bioheat® fuel is very affordable, and most people don’t know that the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance offers a tax credit for residents who use the fuel for residential space heating or hot water production. You can receive a personal tax credit of up to 20₵ per gallon off heating bills. To qualify for the tax rebate, you must live in New York, use Bioheat® fuel for space heating or water heating, and the Bioheat® fuel used is at least six percent biodiesel.
We encourage you to check local rebate programs to see what you can qualify for.

Tale #3

It requires more maintenance.

FACT: Bioheat® fuel actually requires less maintenance and service calls because it burns cleaner in heating equipment. It leaves fewer deposits, lubricates, and cleans a system’s components, which helps heating equipment last much longer.

Tale #4

Bioheat® fuel produces lower emissions compared to other fuels.

FACT: This is true! Bioheat® fuel produces fewer emissions and is set to be carbon-free by 2050. The state has already taken steps to implement the carbon-free goal. By the end of 2023, all heating oil sold by New York fuel providers will have to be a twenty percent biodiesel blend, which will result in an estimated fourteen percent reduction in CO2 emissions.

Related Post: Bioheat® Fuel Can Help NY Homeowners Save Money

Learn More About the Benefits of Bioheat® Fuel for NY

Have more questions about the benefits of Bioheat® fuel? Browse our website to read more about this alternative heating fuel.

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